Awesome by James Hrisho

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When you are developing code, often times you want to celebrate those small wins. One day after pushing a large feature and feeling accomplished, I typed "awesome" into my terminal fully expecting it to respond. When it didn't I took matters into my own hands and built a tool so it would in the future.

Awesome-Job-Dude is a command line tool that gives you a boost of encouragement when executed.

Simply type

into your terminal and you are greeted by a random inspirational piece of ascii art and a voice of encouragement. You could be asking "But James what about if I want to hear and see a specific phrase over and over?" to which I would reply "Perhaps your need for hearing the same encouraging words repeated by a robot over and over again could be better solved in a cult." However, I also provide arguments you can provide that will let you pull up your favorite quotes as well.

Here's a peek at what it looks like.


brew install sox
npm install -g awesome-job-dude


After installation from any location in your terminal you can simply run

and it will execute.

For more advanced usage here are some of the commands you can use

  Usage: awesome [options]


            -h, --help      output usage information
            -V, --version   output the version number
            -y, --ytmnd     You the man now dawg
            -k, --killinit  Killing it
            -a, --awesome   Awesome
            --hang          Hang In there
            --karate        The Karate Kid
            -b, --beef      BEEF
            -o, --otmop     On The Might Of Princes
            -c, --crushit   Crushing it
            -s, --stoked   Stoked


Adding a post commit hook


in the directory you want to add the post commit hook to.